Use Case Diagram
Use Case Diagram
Use case diagram is a diagrammatic representation of the system or software. It shows a system or application, people or organization, or others that interact with the system, basic flow the system what the system or application does. Here are the 4 different elements of the use case diagram.
1. System: It is denoted by the rectangular box and the name of the system is written inside, on the top of the rectangular box, every task that system does is included inside the box. This system can be mobile application, web application or desktop application.
2. Actors: The actor is denoted by the human stick image. Anyone who perform action or uses the features of the system are known as actors. Actor can be person, another system, machine or other devices who uses the system.
3. Use Cases: Use cases are the tasks that that system can perform. The use case is denoted by the oval shape and task is written inside that oval shape. E.g. Login, Register, book etc.
4. Relationship: Relationship shows the connection between the system and actor. Actor uses the system and it is shown by relationship and interaction between Base use case and extend or include is also shown by the relationship. There are 3 different types of relationship, they are as follow: -